Monday, 29 October 2012

Dominica Economic Citizenship Program Revised 09/13

Dominica Economic Citizenship Program 

Getting a 2nd Passport is easier than you think!
International Services Ltd. can assist you and your clients in obtaining a Second Passport & Citizenship from DOMINICA in the Caribbean in as little as 12 weeks.

 Dominica Citizenship Program by investment of US $100,000 under the ‘Single Option’ or US $200,000 ± under the ‘Family Option’ plus Administrative, Agency and Due Diligence Fees.


Ø  Applicant, spouse and their children can obtain Dominican citizenship for life
Ø  Dual citizenship is permitted
Ø  No requirement to live in Dominica
Ø  Passports valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for children; all passport holders have the right to renew as citizens
Ø  Visa-Free travel to more than 100 countries including the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, South Korea, China, Singapore and most British Commonwealth countries. Where visa is required (Schengen States), they are relatively easy to obtain
Ø  Tax Free status on foreign income, capital gains, gift, wealth and inheritance tax


(1)  Cash Investment to Government
There are four options:

Package 1 – Single Applicant
One Applicant Only

An investment of US $100,000.

Package 2 – Family Application
One Applicant + One Spouse

An investment of US $175,000.

Package 3 – Family Application
One Applicant + One Spouse + Two Children below the age of 18 yrs

An investment of US $200,000.

Package 4 – Family Application
One Applicant + One Spouse + More than Two Children below the age of 18 yrs

An investment of US $200,000. and  US  $20,000  for  everadditional  child under 18 yrs.
US $100,000 for each additional child over 18 yrs as a part of any package.

NOTICE: US$50,000 as an additional minimum investment for each dependent where the dependent is:-

(A) a child of the main Applicant or his or her Spouse between 18 - 25 years of age who is in full-time attendance at a recognized institution of Higher Learning and is fully supported by the main Applicant.

(B) an unmarried daughter of the main applicant who is under 25 years of age and is living with and fully supported by the main Applicant.

(C) a child of the main Applicant or Spouse of the main Applicant who is above the age of 18 years and physically or mentally challenged and who is fully supported by the applicant.

(D) parents or grandparents of the main Applicant or his or her Spouse above the age of 65 years living with and fully supported by the main Applicant.

Note: The investment to the government is refundable if the application is denied by the Government of Dominica, however, the investment to the government is non-refundable after citizenship is attained.

(2) Our Professional Fees

Single Applicant:  US $15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Dollars) per application

Family:  US $25,000 (Twenty Five Thousand Dollars)

(3) Government Processing Fees

Application fee - US$1,000 per investor (Non-refundable)

Processing Fee - US$200 per applicant (Non-refundable)

Naturalization Fee - US$550 per applicant

Stamp Fee - US$15 per applicant

 (4)Due Diligence

A Due Diligence Investigation is required on all applicants over the age of 16.  Depending on the
country of residence the cost usually is in the range of US $5,000 to US $10,000 each.  The due diligence fee is non-refundable.

1. Application Form 12 must be completed in duplicate for all persons desirous of Dominican citizenship, children included. A parent or legal guardian of applicants under eighteen (18) years of age must sign the application Form 12 on behalf of the minor. All Form 12s must be notarized to be complete. Reproductions of the Form 12 are accepted. The section of Form 12 labelled "REFERENCE" can be      left undone.
2.     Two (2) original personal references (Not Professional References) for the investor, spouse and any child over 18 years old. Testimonials should include a paragraph about the referee, who must be acquainted with the applicant for at least five (5) years. Identical testimonials will not be accepted. Also testimonials should not be from family members. An original letter of recommendation from the Principal/Dean of the school or university for children between 12 and 18 years old.
3.     One (1) original Professional reference for the investor. References should be from person who has been acquainted with the investor's work for at least three (3) years.
4.     One (1) original recommendation from the investor's banker (Not a certificate of Deposit/ Bank Statement). The investor must be a client of the bank for at least two (2) years. The recommendation should contain the contact information for the bank. Unsigned bank recommendations will not be accepted.
5.     Original Letter of Employment for the investor. If self-employed most recent audited financial statement of the business.


6.     Original affidavit by investor stating source of funds.
7.     Marriage certificate where applicable. If an applicant is divorced and has remarried then a notarized copy of the Dissolution of the Marriage is required.
8.     A letter of application addressed to the Honourable Minister responsible for Citizenship requesting citizenship is required of the investor or the head of the family applying for citizenship stating the reason(s) for applying for economic citizenship.
9.     Original Police clearance certificate or a similar document provided by a law enforcement agency confirming the absence of a criminal record is required of all applicants sixteen (16) years and over. Police records are required from country of birth, citizenship and residence (where the applicant has lived for six (6) months or more) if different. Police records are required from a County/State and at Federal Level. All police records must be accompanied by a set of fingerprints. For children twelve to fifteen (12-15), sworn affidavit by parent that child does not have criminal record.
10. Four certified passport size photos. On the reverse side of each photo a notary public should endorse the following statement: I certify that is a true likeness of the applicant Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms __________________".
11. Birth certificate for all applicants.
12. Notarized copies of University/College diplomas.
13. Completed medical for all applicants. Applicants between the ages of 0-5 years will not be required to take an HIV test.
14. Non-refundable Processing Fee of US$200.00.
15. The non-refundable application fee of US$200 and stamp cost of US$15.00 as stated in the list of fees apply to each applicant. These fees and stamp costs must accompany the rest of the application package. Payments can be made in EC dollars and must be net of all bank and transfer charges. The exchange rate is US$1.00 = EC$2.70.
16. A detailed resume/business background report is required of all applicants who are working adults. The occupation of all working adults must be clearly indicated.
17. Completed Disclosure Form for all applicants over 16 years old.
18. Statutory declaration attesting that the information submitted in the application package is correct. If the applicant is experiencing difficulties in obtaining a statutory declaration, the document may be processed in Dominica.
19. Any other document deemed necessary by the Minister.


Note: The processing of application takes 10 to 14 weeks after all documents and fees have been received by us.

For more information see our services below:

· International Business Companies (IBCs)
· U.S. Dollar Accounts
· Asset Protection
· Bahamas, Panama, Seychelles & other Foreign IBCs
· Trust and Trustee Services
· Belize and Panama Private Foundations

· Local Company (Chapter 250)
· Belize Dollar Accounts
· Mail Forwarding and Virtual Office Services
· Work Permit and Residency Services
· Nationality and Passport Services
· Qualified Retired Persons Program (QRP)

· Licensed Escrow Services
· Purchase Agreements
· Owner Financing Agreements
· Land Title Investigation
· Transfer of Title

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