Monday 5 November 2012

Purchasing Belize Real Estate

Purchasing Belize real estate is very simple and extremely secure. The extensive documents that are common with a property purchase in the USA, Canada and/ or Europe are thankfully not part of the buying process here.  There are no barriers to foreign investment and, as a member of the British Commonwealth, Belize has a legal system based on British law and is the only English speaking country in Central America.

 Understanding your documents will be much easier than in other countries in Central America.  Title is fee simple absolute title so is extremely secure.  Title insurance is available yet rarely utilized. Foreigners have the same property rights in Belize, as do local citizens.   Foreigners can own beachfront property in Belize. 

 In addition, Belize has no capital gains or inheritance taxes and a growing private offshore banking sector.   Corporate income taxes are also quite low and can be as low as 1.75% of gross sales!  Property taxes are extremely low (normally below $US 100 annually) so holding costs are very low. 

 All real estate transactions are funded with US dollars with a few exceptions (this provides extra protection to the owner since your asset cannot lose value due to a currency devaluation as is possible in other countries).  Furthermore the Belize dollar is fixed to the US dollar 2 to 1 so to offer additional security since currency devaluation is very unlikely.    Owning Belize real estate can be a very rewarding experience.

Placencia Real Estate Opportunities

The real estate market in Placencia continues to gain significant attention.  The peninsula is only 16 miles long and with a width varying from 100 feet to ¼ mile wide the supply of land is very limited and certainly defined.  The supply and demand model alone projects a steady increase in pricing and value.  The governmental Belize and numerous private local and foreign investors continue to pump money into the development of Placencia peninsula. 

They have just completed paving of the 23 mile Placencia road was a $US 12 million undertaking and the fully funded $US 10 million project to provide an environmentally friendly pubic sewer system are just a few examples of the support Placencia is receiving.  Placencia is destined to become a true global destination of choice for travelers as well as 2nd homeowners and full-time retirees.  Now is an ideal time to purchase property here. 

  A vacant beach lot, a ocean front condo, a stunning beachfront family home, a lagoon home, an existing business and larger tracts of land for development are all available here.  Many owners of property paid cash and are not desperate to sell so prices have actually held up very well during the recent global recession along the Placencia Peninsula.   Some prices, however, have dropped 15 % from the peak.  Availability and good value are the best ways to describe the current real estate opportunities, which are sure not to last long.  Come visit and see why Placencia is the place to be.

                Boris Mannsfeld & Associates  specializes in Placencia real estate.  This is where their expertise is so they have no desire to represent properties outside of the Placencia area.  They are also recommended by International Services Ltd.

International Services Ltd can help you greatly with your needs in Retiring, Living, Working and Investing in Belize.

For more information see our services below:

· International Business Companies (IBCs)
· U.S. Dollar Accounts
· Asset Protection
· Bahamas, Panama, Seychelles & other Foreign IBCs
· Trust and Trustee Services
· Belize and Panama Private Foundations

· Local Company (Chapter 250)
· Belize Dollar Accounts
· Mail Forwarding and Virtual Office Services
· Work Permit and Residency Services
· Nationality and Passport Services
· Qualified Retired Persons Program (QRP)

· Licensed Escrow Services
· Purchase Agreements
· Owner Financing Agreements
· Land Title Investigation
· Transfer of Title

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