Tuesday 4 December 2012

Offshore Trust in Belize

  • Legally avoid and reduce taxes
  • Protect assets against lawsuits
  • Privacy against undesirable scrutiny
  • Conduct a business
  • Open a bank account
  • Can hold title and invest in Real Estate
  • Can buy and sell stocks and bonds
  • Can hold title of any kind of property including cash, jewels, gemstones and precious metals and negotiable instruments
  • Can be established to make disbursements for you and your family including medical, educational and legal expenses avoiding foreign currency controls.
  • Can be used for personal estate planning and allows you to pass property title to heirs while minimizing taxes and cost
  • Can be director of IBC

  • Fill out and sign application form
  • Name of Trust
  • List of Beneficiaries
  • International Management Co. Ltd. (as your Resident Agent) will act as Trustee
  • Name of Trustee and Protector
  • Name of Successor Trustee and Protector (Optional)
  • Copy of passport and full address and contact information of Grantor, Beneficiaries, Trustee and Protector (for resident agent only)
  • List of Assets with copy of supporting documents
  • Bank Account can be opened in the name of the Grantor or IBC’s name
The cost of establishing a trust in Belize s US $1,250.00, which includes trustee fee, administrative expenses including one courier and registration of trust. The annual maintenance and trustee fee is US $850.00.
We offer the following optional service:
Annual Protector Fee
US $250.00 annually
There is no more Annual Trustee Fee.

For more information see our services below:

· International Business Companies (IBCs)
· U.S. Dollar Accounts
· Asset Protection
· Bahamas, Panama, Seychelles & other Foreign IBCs
· Trust and Trustee Services
· Belize and Panama Private Foundations

· Local Company (Chapter 250)
· Belize Dollar Accounts
· Mail Forwarding and Virtual Office Services
· Work Permit and Residency Services
· Nationality and Passport Services
· Qualified Retired Persons Program (QRP)

· Licensed Escrow Services
· Purchase Agreements
· Owner Financing Agreements
· Land Title Investigation
· Transfer of Title

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