Monday 22 July 2013

Belize Land Title Investigation - Title Search

(Title Search)

Before purchasing property in Belize, Buyers are advised to conduct a land title investigation to ensure that the property:
  • is indeed in the name of the person selling
  • is free from liens, mortgages and encumbrances
  • that the property tax has been fully paid up to date
  • that the property is not engaged in any legal conflicts
  • Includes a judgment search to ensure that no court order is registered against the land
  • Includes company search (if applicable) to verify the director/secretary of the company

  • Full name and address of the Seller
  • Lawful Description of Property
  • Copy of Title (Conveyance, Land Certificate, Certificate of title, etc.)
  • Copy of Offer to Purchase or any other agreements
  • Copy of Survey (if available)
  • Copy of property tax stamen/receipt, if available
  • Copy of picture ID with Seller's signature

Documents to be received by client:
  • Written report of investigation
  • Copy of updated property tax statement
  • Copy of plan of survey

For Declared Land (Per Parcel)
Land Title Search
US   $500.00
General Sales Tax (12.5%)
US   $  62.50
US   $562.50 
For Undeclared Land (Per Parcel)
Land Title Search
US   $700.00
General Sales Tax (12.5%)
US   $  87.50
US   $787.50

Any additional time other than incidentals above will be charged at US $75.00 per hour plus administrative fee and general sales tax of 12.5%.

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· U.S. Dollar Accounts
· Asset Protection
· Bahamas, Panama, Seychelles & other Foreign IBCs
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· Local Company (Chapter 250)
· Belize Dollar Accounts
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· Licensed Escrow Services
· Purchase Agreements
· Owner Financing Agreements
· Land Title Investigation
· Transfer of Title


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